Airwin Portugal Flight Academy

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Flight Training Academy | Airwin Portugal


Airwin Portugal

About us

We are an operational base in Portugal LPCB, of Airwin Academy from Budapest approved by the Hungarian Civil Aviation Authority and certified by EASA as an ATO - Air Training Organization HU.ATO.0077

Given our location in the center of Portugal and aerodrome facilities we have the most suitable conditions regarding weather in Europe for pilot training

What we do

We deliver our courses in a very dynamic way where our main focus is our commitment to the safety of our operations and our students.

We are committed to maintaining a student ratio that allows us to always meet the deadlines as we know how important it is for our students to finish on time.

Our vision

Airwin is an aviation school created by pilots and for pilots, where our goal is to offer the highest quality standards available in the market

Our philosophy essentially focuses on offering our students the best aviation training available and offering the highest safety standards and finishing pilot formation in time

Because flying is our passion

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Airwin Portugal Operational Base - Castelo Branco Aerodrome – LPCB

G Airspace

Runway length 1460 meters

1000 sq. meter hangar

Weather station

Castelo Branco Aerodrome

Aeródromo em espaço aéreo classe G

The Castelo Branco Municipal Aerodrome is inserted in Class G airspace. Besides the freedom that this classification gives it, it has characteristics that allow for Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) for flights operated under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) during most of the year.

Pista com 1460m de comprimento

It is located 3 NM NE of the city of Castelo Branco and has an asphalted runway of 1460 meters long and 30 meters wide.

Castelo Branco Aerodrome
Castelo Branco Aerodrome - hangar


Equipado com um novo hangar de 1000m² é a base do Aero Clube de Castelo Branco, com os quais temos um acordo de colaboração. Tem uma Base de Apoio Logístico que serve a Proteção Civil Portuguesa durante todo o ano e é a base do Grupo de Intervenção de Proteção e Salvamento (GIPS), oferecendo apoio permanente de helicóptero.

Own meteorological station

The meteorological station is duly certified by the Office of Support from the Meteorological Authority for Aeronautics (GAMA) of the Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA).

Castelo Branco Aerodrome

Airwin Team

Airwin Portugal instructor - Francisco Gião

Francisco Gião

Base manager and Flight Instructor

Airwin Portugal instructor - Luis Pires

Luis Pires

Instruction Manager

Airwin Portugal instructor - Pedro Pires

Pedro Pires

Flight Instructor

Hungary Airwin team

Róbert Bánki

Co-founder & Managing Director

István Gyori

Co-founder & Deputy Head of Training


Lázló Baku

Chief Flight Instructor


Gabor Magyari

Complyance Manager

Ádám Szulló

Sales Manager

Kristóf Nagy

Chief Theoretical Instructor


B. Vandornyik

Flight Instructor


Attila Boros

Flight Instructor

Stig Steine

Flight Instructor

András Domokos

Training Advisor

Benedek Gyori

FSTD Technician


Zoltán Siklósi

Safety Manager

Social Media